Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Move!


So, in the time that has passed, big things have been happening. Big things that will most definitely alter the course of planning for the AT and backpacking with Koda in general.

I have been looking for a job teaching music all summer.
I've had a few offers, but they didn't feel completely "right", so I turned them down.
Then, in a whirlwind of awesome that was 2 weeks ago, I get a call from a small town outside of Bozeman, MT about an interview.

36 hours later and I've been told that I will be put up for recommendation in front of the board of trustees as the new music teacher for that school district.

I don't know how many of you know much about Bozeman, but it's essentially an outdoor lover's paradise.  Hiking, Camping, Backpacking, Kayaking, Canoeing, Snowshoeing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Bicycling........anything-ing.

So while the weather has cooled off here, I've been so busy packing and tying up loose ends that it's been hard to go hiking.

Koda and I did do a 4 mile hike the other day.  No pack or anything. And, stupidly, no food or water for either of us.  The hike was only supposed to be a 2 hour one, but the state park didn't have the best blazes for the trails and we got lost for 2 hours, then add the 1 hour hike back.

I was crabby. Koda was crabby.
We were both tired, hot, and hungry.

But we survived.
Most importantly, Koda was able to keep going consistently throughout the 4 hours. No needing to stop and rest or anything.

He's getting healthier every day, and I think this fall and next spring/summer are going to bring a lot of wonderful hiking surprises!

I may not update again until I'm full settled into Montana.
Buuut, photos and stories are to come!