Exercise Log

26 January 2013
Happy New Year!

No....I didn't resolve to exercise more in the New Year.  I'm saving my money by not purchasing coffee/beer regularly.  The money will go towards Grad school and traveling.

The past few weeks were bitterly cold, so we limited ourselves to 3 mile hikes and a trip to the dog park for him to run.  I've started running with him every morning before work and then again in the evening at the dog park.  On the weekends, we go on hikes that range from 3-6 miles.  On these hikes, he is in his pack...which is, unfortunately, falling apart.

The warm streak this past week (30's-40's baby!) has had us outside more.  So has the increased daylight time.  Thank goodness for that!

03 November 2012

Somehow, it seems like the further west you move from South Dakota, the easier it becomes to exercise.  For example: "Going for a Hike" in eastern SD meant driving 30 minutes to a state park and walking up and down some hills for about an hour or two, and then you've essentially walked the entire trail system available to you.  "Going for a Hike" in Bozeman means, once again driving 30 minutes, to a National Forest, walking up and down some mountains until you get either tired or hungry and then driving home realizing that there were hundreds of more miles of trails available to you that you didn't get to hike.

Oh, and it's been 80's, at most, the entire time we've been here. Koda is definitely okay with that.

Generally, I go for one longer hike on the weekends (generally Sunday, after snagging some Granny's Gourmet Donuts). During the week, I tend to not get home until 4:30 or 5, which is pushing it close to dusk.  We live near a city park that has a good bit of trail going around it that we might walk on, or we'll drive to Snowfill Dog Park and walk/run around it a few times.

That's the average exercise activity for the week, though I'm sure it will all change as soon as snow flies.

24 July 2012

Ugh. The heat.
In the Great Plains, we've been having a drought.  A serious drought. While it's undoubted that this sucks for the farmers, it definitely sucks for the regular folk as well.  It's nearly impossible to fully exercise a dog when it 86 degrees out at 6am.

Thus, the exercise has been minimal.  (Which explains the lack of posts about the topic).  We generally make it to the dog park pretty early in the day and Koda runs around for maybe half an hour and then we have to go....it's just too hot.

In the evening I like to take him for another longer walk if possible, but that's only been about 3 miles at a time, because once again, it's just too hot.

Hopefully, come fall, we can get outside more and do more hiking.

24 June 2012

20 days can make a world of difference in the exercise world.  It can mean extra miles added on to a running route, or it can mean another 10 pounds added on to the weight training, it can mean almost anything depending upon the determination of the athlete.

Koda has come leaps and bounds. The days generally go like this (unless I'm on my day off):

1) Morning walk, 1-2 miles
2) Afternoon at the Dog Park, running around for about 1 hour
3) Early evening, a walk/hike along the trails around town for about 1-2 hours, generally summing up 5-7 miles
4) Evening, occasionally a walk before bed. Only 1 mile in length.

Of course, this all changes depending upon the weather. Some days it is sincerely unhealthy to exert oneself because of all the heat and humidity.

But, needless to say, in 20 days Koda and I can hike all of G.B. and he doesn't exhaust.

04 June 2012:

We hiked out at G.B. today.  I think the summation was 3 miles.  This is the first hike and I think it took a toll on Koda.  He didn't even want to get out of the car when we pulled up to the apartment.  Lots of work to do with this pup.

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